Monday, February 13, 2012

What's that saying...When the going gets tough, the tough get...


As you all know I'm on the endeavor of losing is it getting tough!

I'm eating better, feeling better, lookin' better (couldn't resist)....but gosh darnit if the weight loss has slowed down some.

Alright Mr. Fat, you want dance...LET'S DANCE!

Weigh in is on Wednesday and I've officially slowed down my weight loss each week: 13, 6, 2.5 and then .5 a pound...this week Ty's getting to 230lbs! That's equal to losing 3.5lbs from last do this I'll be taking pain killers for the knee, greasing up the old elliptical and hopefully riding it till my feet just can't go anymore!

I just keep picturing how happy I'll be with myself if I ever reach the goal I had of 10% weight loss....and who knows maybe I'll just keep on going beyond that!

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