Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Letter To Me Then...

If I could write a letter to me then...boy the things I want to tell him.

However, as I would want to warn him of the hurt coming in his relationship and to end it before she wouldn't change the pain he'd feel just change it.

I would want to tell him to let his anger go more and his love show more...but he wouldn't listen to me, he was stubborn like that...and perhaps me telling him to do so would make him cling to it even more.

I would want to inform him that God is in fact real and is working throughout his entire life...but he'd only say well duh he is...and not having dealt with immense hurt, death and suicidal thoughts yet he doesn't understand his very belief structure would be questioned in just a few years.

While there is so much I'd wanna tell him....I know I couldn't without risking the man he would become; one that realizes the man God desires him to be and called him to be. One far far from that, but one trying.

So I think I'd just tell him this:

God is not going anywhere. Weather the storms that will come and watch what grows after them. Every time you feel there is nothing but darkness in your life, know that every night ends with a patient.


P.S. Also, buy stock in Facebook...lots of stock in Facebook.

Monday, April 17, 2017

To the visitor on Easter...

Dear Visitor,

You didn't see me on Sunday.

I was busy making sure the sound was all functioning right up in the sound booth and buzzing around the back of the sanctuary throughout service. However, I wanted to let you know how incredible it was to have you with us.

I know visiting a church isn't always the easiest thing to do. The fear of judgement, or probing that can ensue by those there is undoubtedly one of the biggest driving forces which may very well have kept you from coming before. I hope and pray your experience was a good one.

Whatever your story is, from whatever place you find yourself in currently know one thing:


Yes, the simple act of making it a priority to put God first made the most incredible smile creep across God's face, of that I am certain. If I'm honest with you, I also must let you know you inspired me. Yes, I go to church nearly every week...and this past Holy Week found me at the church 5 different times for a multitude of different services...but YOU inspired me with your presence. See, while I may go more, I would be lying if I said I always went with the desire to be there. At times it is something I do because it is the "right thing" or the "dutiful thing" to though came because you desired to. For if you didn't you would have like the Sunday prior not been there, BUT YOU WERE!

That desire is inspiring.

I pray that this visit is just the first step in either your new journey towards a relationship with God, or perhaps this is a renewing of one. No matter which it is I pray you continue to find HOPE, REFUGE and INSPIRATION from the very definition of LOVE, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Your Inspired Brother

PS - If you can't make it this next week, know you will be missed and you have my prayers.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

To The Stranger That Prayed

Dear Stranger,


I don't know you, but somehow what you did that day connected us.

It was a fairly typical September day in Indiana, the weather was nice and the sky was clear. Cool for summer, but no chill like a reminder of fall fast approaching. For my family and I though, that day was anything but normal. This was the day we mourned, celebrated and would ultimately escort my grandpa to his body's final resting place.

I'll spare you all the stories of him, just know he loved God and he loved his family...including his wife of 62 years he watched slip away just 7 weeks prior (maybe she had to go get heaven ready for him....).

I have no doubt the small action you did might seem like nothing to you...or something you've slowly begun to do as a habit, but know it is and was so much more than that.

You see as my family followed the hearse September 12, 2016 to the cemetery and you did something that sadly was quite the contrary to EVERYONE else. While other drivers impatiently crept along or even disregarded us entirely and stormed didn't.

You, did something entirely unexpected.

Instead, you'd pulled over to the side of the road.

No doubt put your van in park, and began to pray.

I will never know the words of your prayer but know their words were felt that day. Felt in such a pure form from God.

You see I saw you with your right hand on your heart, left hand held out as if to be placing it upon the passing family and your eyes closed. I saw you lifting prayers up to heaven...and I felt them...I felt them.

I had fought back tears the whole ride...but my dear sister you made me lose it. Not in a bad way, but in a heavenly way only God can provide.

So thank you! While I don't know you, know that you are now forever cemented in my thoughts and prayers...and I only pray that should roles ever be reversed you will catch a glimpse of me in my car...right arm on my heart, left arm out and eyes closed...

God Bless

Ty Miller

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Question raised....attempt at an answer...

A good friend of mine posted this question to social media...

Social Topic #6: Ferguson 
So I don't know if I have a stance on this one. I feel, however, that I don't understand what's really going on. The forensic evidence clearly showed that Michael Brown had some part of his body within Officer Wilson's police car (Mr. Brown's blood was found in the car) and that Michael Brown was trying to grab Officer Wilson's firearm (Mr. Brown had burns on his hands from the hot gun barrel). What are the riots and mayhem really about? Is this a systemic, national problem of abuse of police powers specifically aimed at African Americans that just happened to find its powder keg in a St. Louis suburb rather than a more common urban area like NY, Chicago or LA? What I am looking for here is someone who can help me understand what the protesters and rioters are really upset about.

I took a moment to possibly attempt an answer...but know first and foremost I don't claim to know it all or have it all right...but I do know the end of my answer is without a doubt spot on!

I concur in that the facts of the case itself as laid out in front of the grand jury (anyone questioning NY Times and other sources have the released documents in GREAT length to read through, google search will reveal the official docs). Michael Brown did in fact fight in the car with the officer…and at some point his hand came in contact with a firearm being/recently fired explaining the burn marks. Everything in the case itself points towards justice was served…however mistreatment to the victim did occur…which I feel is part of the reasoning for the issues.

One such mistreatment is the amount of time Michael Brown’s body simply lay in the streets un-touched or shielded from view…surrounding vehicles, a sheet or shoot a tent would have been more respectable to a death and family of the deceased than what was done.

However, that in and of itself isn’t enough for this keg to explode like it has. In part it is due to misinformation and confirmed lies to news reporters and investigators of how Michael Brown had done no wrong at all, and the whole “Hands up, don’t shoot” phenomenon started by now discredited statements made by his acquaintance walking with him at the time.

Those words heard over the nations’ multitude of news stations triggered many a pent up or frustrated feeling amongst many African Americans with ill feelings or experiences with law enforcement…and let’s face it, the community of Ferguson is when judging criminal records, have its fair share of folks not “cop friendly” for many reasons (some most likely justified and others not). This added powder to the keg.

Then there are the proven cases of cops abusing their power, and in some cases race is a factor (but not always as some would make us think). Without a doubt profiling occurs, and without a doubt more African American young males statistical are most likely on the receiving end of this….but this isn’t without  justification proven by crime records proving a young African American male is more likely to commit a crime than that of a white, Hispanic or Asian background. A fact that most likely is why more young African American males probably get looked at longer, suspected more and questioned at a higher frequency than any of their counter parts. Many feel this is an injustice and many have their freedoms threatened by cops assuming they’re “up to no good” (again some most likely are justified and others not). Add more powder to the keg.

However, this paragraph is where I feel the BIGGEST aspect of why all the frustration and rioting is occurring. There is a common misnomer in culture that something is always to blame for what is going on…that something is always on the outside or exterior portions of our lives. I don’t cast a broad net to all African Americans but I do feel that there are a good number of African Americans that are afraid to accept the fact the problem isn’t with the law enforcement or the rules concerning how cops are reprimanded…or the imbalanced make up of the grand jury….or anything else…THE PROBLEM IS THE FAMILY CULTURE INSIDE THE AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY (same to be said for ANY nationality too!). I work with a lady who mentions all the time “In the black community you don’t do that…or you’d be a snitch and snitches get stitches…” It’s a sad state of affairs when your community, culture or family concepts view doing the right thing as wrong and teaches you to be fearful of law enforcement. So just like many of us scream about others issues to hide our own or are really good at pointing the finger to avoid dealing with our own skeletons we just simply deflect…that is what I see this as; ONE HUGE DEFLECTION.

Now I’m not saying nothing can come from all that has been brought up. More training to law enforcement, body cams and the such are all great things that should come from this and truly are good things. However, we are going to miss the biggest thing that should come out of this and that is attempting to re-construct the family and cultural make up of not just the African American community but that of the Urban communities….and EVERY COMMUNITY IN AMERICA. The family structure once present in America is gone, and gone with it is any sense of what it means to be human in many ways.

But looking inward like that and striving to re-build families would involve accepting the importance of family and the structure of its design...just as God intended it to be. Ugh-oh…I said the key word…CNN is gonna cut me off. Perhaps if we worried a little more about God and Family…everything else would solve itself.

I stand with Officer Wilson. 
My mind worries for Ferguson. 
My heart breaks with the Browns. 

Most importantly though I pray God takes it all and He is found through it.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I'm Sorry But Not...

If there is one thing I've learned to embrace is the fact I'm never going to be thought kindly of by everyone in my life. That fact used to eat at me, I'm talking stomach aches and near vomiting nauseous feeling taking over my body when I knew someone thought ill of me.

I think to an extent this is true of all of us, because in the end no matter what we say or do we desire to be accepted. Accepted for who we are and what we believe. However, let me break some possibly ground shattering news for you, that will never be accomplished 100% of the time for we are human. No human is without sin on this Earth these days and due to that there will always be disagreements or arguments between opposing viewpoints or lifestyles. At times people will have very ill opinions of your beliefs, thoughts or actions...the quicker you realize this the better off you will be.

And yes, sadly it doesn't matter if you are the kindest, nicest person in the world who goes out of their way to help every single person you meet (and just to be clear that is not me I'm describing by a long shot!). Someone is going to call you a self-righteous jerk or that you suffer from holier than thou syndrome, it doesn't matter even sometimes how much thought you put into trying to not appear as such in an attempt to truly be just as you feel you should be.

The question is when presented with those instances where people are feeling you are being self-righteous or similar how will you respond? Obviously being nice or speaking respectfully to these people may just cause the thought to grow...but if you get defensive you prove their point that it is a facade or fake front you put on to appear better than you really are.

This is perhaps the biggest thing I struggle with...and continue to. I am the first to admit I claim to live by a black and white motto when it comes to right and wrong...I don't try to live in a gray area or even pretend that one exists. This means that many a time I find myself confronted with discussions or times where disagreement arises due to my thoughts or actions which I feel are right to feel or do.

As an example of this is very recent and still fresh on my mind. After years of suspecting illegal hunting occurring on ground which borders a property we hunt, the landowner and us both wanted to do what we could to see if our suspicions were right or not. You see the neighboring property is owned by the state and is a nature which ZERO hunting of any kind can occur on. Meaning you can't even take a weapon of any kind (bow or firearm) with you onto this property, and if you do go on it you are to not remove even a stick or rock from it...well with many instances where suspected trespassing onto it and hunting occurred we began reaching out to the DNR requesting guidance in what we were and weren't allowed to do in order to attempt to catch the suspected activity.

I will withhold the details to save space but long story short after discussions with the DNR and legally proceeding accordingly we captured someone on multiple occasions hunting the property this year (bow in hand, arrow nocked and ready to rock) walking in well before dark than after dark fell. Obviously this was 100% illegal so in accordance with what we stated we would do, we informed the DNR of the pictures and proceeded to attempt identifying the person.

This is where it turns more and more people find out what is happening some began stating that I'm the one with the problem. That I suffer from holier than thou syndrome and merely did this as an attempt yet again to prove I'm better than everyone else.

Not gonna lie when these thoughts, either stated bluntly or implied with politician sounding statements, began to occur it hit me like a ton of bricks right to the gut. Here I had done everything I could to ensure the integrity of the hunting laws were being upheld and wrong do'ers would be caught and stopped. Something which I felt obligated to do as a sportsman, I couldn't just turn a blind eye because in my opinion that would make me just as bad as those committing the crimes. But not everyone saw it as such, some saw it as someone trying to make others look bad and me look good.

I instantly started making apologies or going into a shell due to these thoughts coming my way....only to have God remind me of whom I am.

I am not here to care about what anyone thinks to the extent it consumes me...the only opinion that should go to the level of consumption is that of God's.

You see where I went wrong was allowing others to begin crafting my thoughts or feelings I had for myself. I began to let them craft me into the man they saw me as, not as the man God sees me as and desires me to be.

It is that man which I should strive to be more like...and to put it simply that isn't going to always mean others will agree or like it. There is nothing wrong with stating "I'm sorry you disagree or what I did made you annoyed, mad or upset; but I am not sorry for what I did or said." Now there is also times were we state things in a way God wouldn't be proud of and apologies for our words or actions which didn't show love or understanding must occur as well...but an apology for your belief or actions that are Godly and just, should never feel needed.

At that point we must accept the fact that others may or may not appreciate that stance...just pray for them, pray for you and pray for the situation...there is nothing more you can do AND THAT IS OKAY.

It is realizing this that has made me see more and more each day that the more transparent I become about who I am and what I believe and why I strive to do right in EVERYTHING in my life the more struggles I will have. Because attempting such is amazingly daunting...I mean I struggle everyday trying to be the man I'm describing and fail. I am so far from being the man I want to be, however I also refuse to coast or accept that fact...

I choose to fight
I choose to try to be more

and if that offends some along the way I truly am sorry you feel that way...but I accept that this might happen.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

What good is curing cancer in a man's body...


What good is curing cancer in a man's body...if we can't cure his soul before death?

If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and do two things for me...

#1 - Look up the Jimmy V Foundation, learn about it and listen to how it all started and the impact in cancer research it has achieved to date. The awesome impact it has made is undoubtedly a sign of what is possible when humans seek to conquer something in unison. If possible please support it in any way you can.

Screenshot, all ownership to ESPN (HERE)
#2 - Look up the latest speech from the recipient of the Jimmy V Award, Stuart Scott. I always felt Mr. Scott was a very poignant and eloquent linguist. His words were and still are always spoken with a purpose behind every syllable and inflection. Stuart's speech is powerful, poignant, honest, challenging, sad, amazing and inspiring all rolled into one. (Video of Speech)

Inspiration comes from everywhere, and let me make one thing clear; I personally feel there is never anything wrong with being motivated to better yourself or help matter the source of that motivation, Mr. Scott certainly does just that.

There is an aspect of Mr. Scott's speech though that whether by choice or simply was not visible (a true possibility) that I truly did miss greatly. While Mr. Scott was spot on about never giving up and his love for his family and how much they mean to him I couldn't help but notice a common theme...placing faith in himself, nurses/doctors and others. If you listened to his speech, it circled around ones self to not give up. It circled around the concept of relying on humans and humans alone. 

Might I remind all reading this that mankind has proven to be perfect at one thing and one thing alone...we are perfect at being imperfect (sinful). 

Now I don't know where Mr. Scott's walk with Christ is. I don't know if he has ever been introduced to him, felt him in his heart or seeks Him every day of his life. All I have to go on is that speech, which is the hot video circling social media.

So I will not touch on any kind of opinion on Stuart's walk with Christ...I merely want anyone watching this video or saw the video to know there is something which surpasses all your personal ability, all your doctor's ability, all your family's ability...there is someone who has already beaten what cancer attempts to do. There is someone who brings peace which surpasses all human understanding. There is someone whom will never fail you, never leave you, never forsake you and never stop loving you. There is someone whom will hold you as you take on cancer...

...and you know what? You walk with Him, you let Him hold you...cancer is seen for what it truly is:


You see cancer only speeds up exactly what you should be fighting: DEATH. Humans will send thousands of dollar to fight cancer, aids or other things.....yet ignore fighting DEATH. Humans will get motivated by videos of people speaking on perseverance, overcoming obstacles or beating the odds...yet ignore fighting DEATH.

What good is being consumed with beating something that is temporary but yet ignore fighting something so certain in DEATH?

Cancer is merely a distraction created and came to be when sin entered the world...and boy does the devil love using it as a facade or covering in front of what we truly should be fighting; DEATH.

Now I've personally lost family members to cancer. I've personally lost loved ones to cancer. I 100% back every single organization on this Earth that is fighting in any form to conquer cancer medically....please don't let your mind twist what I'm getting at. However, I will not allow DEATH to be forgotten. I cannot allow those I love and those I am commanded to love (all) to ignore DEATH.

For what good is curing cancer in a man's body...if we can't cure his soul before death?

We are offering nothing to cancer patients if we can cure cancer...sure we've given them the chance at a few more years but in the scheme that is eternity we have done nothing. DEATH will still come. DEATH will still reign forever and DEATH will steal from us everything we have placed our hope in here on Earth.

So please be motivated and inspired by Mr. Stuart Scott and others like him. He is a testimony to what a difference can be made should we simply not give up. However, do not allow yourself for a minute forget that while you or someone else may battle cancer here on Earth...the true battle is with DEATH and what it brings after it....

...and only one thing can beat it. That is the one thing that has proven to be perfect at one thing: being perfect.

God bless.

P.S. If by some fashion this falls on the eyes of Stuart Scott, know that I hope and pray we get to enjoy your presence in the sports world and outside, because you truly are an amazing man for what you have overcome and what you bring to your job. My prayers go out to you.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Seize The Day....

can still remember sitting in the Northridge High School parking lot the morning of the NLC Sectionals for baseball my senior year. Odd thing was, I wasn't even playing but I was there...and there for a reason. You see baseball was and still is (in the version of softball) a big part of my life. At one point in time it was all I desired to be and not to toot my own horn had a serious chance of putting me through college and hopefully some years chasing the dream after...

...but it didn't work out that way. Between my tendon in my shoulder deciding to take a break...and experiencing one of the most unhealthy coach-player relationships I've had...I pulled out of baseball before my senior year. It wasn't easy. As a matter of fact it was one of the single most difficult decisions I've ever made in my life, and while I accept it as the right decision it will never be one I'm completely at peace with.

So that's why I found myself patiently waiting for one of my past team mates and friends to arrive in the parking lot...I had a letter for them before their game.

It wasn't anything amazing...or Herb Brooks type material but it spoke of a truth I wanted each and every one of them to understand. I don't remember exactly how it all went but I remember it involved laying out the fact that every single time they step in the box...or take the field...or look down to coach for a sign is the last time that moment will happen. Never again will they be in the box with a 2-2 count in the 4th with a man on 2nd and 2 outs in that exact game. Never again will they take their lead in the bottom of the 6th with 1 out and they're the tying run. Never again will they run onto the field in their last game of their high school career. Those moments will come and seize each and every one of them and squeeze out of them every drip of emotion.

So as the first one arrived I gave it to him (he was a senior) and said to read it and share it with the others...I said good luck and than left.
Original source: HERE
Every single moment is precious and worthy of being seized; for you never know when baseball or anything else will be over for you....which is why every single moment must not be taken for granted!

ife is no different. We take on each day differently than the day prior, for we are not the same person as we were the day prior. Moments have passed and new moments are is how we face each and every moment that molds us into the person we are each day as we roll out of bed. Set to face more...moments.

The question you must answer is how you will treat these moments? Will you let them begin to mold you into the man, the woman or child of God that you desire and were designed to be?

Or will this world continue to swallow you up in its lies and pleasures? If you are not careful your moments to achieve the true you will slip through your fingers faster than the granules of sand running through your fingers while you try to grasp a handful at a beach...

Link to original source: HERE
I've heard numerous times some say they've just not had the chance...or the opportunity...or the moment to do, be or become something better.

However, what if that moment you've thought you got cheated out of was eliminated by a prior moment and the decision made during it?

What if that moment depended upon the moment just minutes which you didn't grasp and do the most with? Or...the right thing with?

God designed us to chase that perfect "you". One which loves as He designed us to, one which cares as He designed us to...and one who trusts as He designed us to. In order to do that though we must do our part. We must seize EACH AND EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES....EACH AND EVERY HOUR OF OUR LIVES....EACH AND EVERY MINUTE OF OUR LIVES.

Not because we only live once (YOLO is a lie!)....but because we will live twice. You see we chase each moment like it is our last because we are looking towards the bigger prize which He has promised....

...that moment when we open our eyes and we get to see His face, His place...His kingdom. It is that moment which we strive towards, but know there are hundred thousands countless moments that must occur before that one.

The question is will your moments today direct, show and push you towards that moment?

It takes but one second for DEATH to hit...don't let the moment prior dictate where death takes you...

So where my travelers who journey through the distant night

Raise your glasses to the sky...let it glisten bright

And if we die tonight...least we fly tonight
Know that we seize n' every moment for that bigger prize

Carpe Diem
By: Spoken
feat. Skrip & Remus

Source: HERE