Wednesday, February 1, 2012

21.5lbs down....more to come!!!

That's right I officially have lost 21.5 pounds during the last 3 weeks of my work place's Biggest Loser competition! I only lost 2.5 pounds this week and was kinda dissaponted, I mean I had lost 13 then 6 but then I rememeber this is just one pound of fat:

Wow....I've lost over 21 of those blobs....kinda puts it back into perspective!

So now I'm only 3.5 pounds away from allowing myself to celebrate 25lbs with a Trappist brewed beer I purchased! I'm hoping to just allow 1, but who knows I may not be able to stop due to my love of true beer! Watch, I'll lose 25lbs, celebrate and then need to lose 2.5 more just to get back to 25 total lbs lost!! HAHA!

Anyways, if you are wondering just what is he doing to get these results?! Well here is the short of what I'm am doing:

-I rarely eat any breads outside of the one piece of Ezekiel (all sprouted greens) with my morning egg (sometimes with peppers). *I do occasional allow a no sugar added tortilla at dinner if having healthy tacos!

-95% of what I buy at grocery store comes from the produce section...only things that don't are meat, plain greek yogurt and true natural peanut butter (occasional spices too, but only ones without sugar or corn syrup added!)

-I try to exercise 20-30 mins minimum a day, and always take the stairs at work (actually always try to hit 10 a day, even if over lunch) *Some days I've been known to put elliptical infront of the TV and go for 30-50 mins on a lower setting...very easy way to burn 300-500 calories!

That's it! The eating healthy I feel has made the biggest part! Reading labels has changed my life! Just by removing all added sugars (corn syrup, malodextrin and all other forms) I feel is the biggest factor in my weight loss!

So that Channing Tatum picture yesterday...probably out of the picture but you know what I could end up looking like a fatter more normal version of him here very shortly haha!

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