Friday, September 16, 2011

It could be worse....

You know a lot of times in life things just seem to come undone, seemingly finding a way to not work out like we hoped. Than steps in the cliche saying, "It could be worse.."; typically followed by something which most definitely would be worse.

To give an example I'll use myself. Weight has been an issue for me for well 23 of my 25 years on this earth. There was just a 2 year time period where I was happy about my weight...however sadly those two years are not presently occuring. I'm taking the steps now slowly toward changing my eating habits slowly and introducing working out slowly (I used to be addicted to it). The key is to move slowly and change my habits in life, if I do that I know in a year or so I'll be a lot closer to what I want to be weight wise. However, I still look in the mirror from time to time and feel depressed at the man in the mirror. I've let my self get flabby, no longer the guy you could look at and know instantly "He is athletic".

I however always try to snap myself back into reality. It could be worse you know! I could have had my roles switch with my brother Bryce...who sadly only live 6 hours. Or I could be alone in this world with no encouraging wife to help me on my journey. Or...well you get my drift; things seriously could always be worse no matter the situation you find yourself in.

That doesn't mean that some times in this life we're going to feel so far lost that it truly couldn't get worse...remember though that God will never leave you nor forsake you. It couldn't always get worse because He could decide to leave...and that my friends would be the worst of worsts.

So whether you find yourself in a small situation like my struggle with weight, or you're dealing with the loss of loved ones just keep on plugging forward. Ask Him for strength to take another step into each new day. Keep on keepin on folks.

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