Monday, April 17, 2017

To the visitor on Easter...

Dear Visitor,

You didn't see me on Sunday.

I was busy making sure the sound was all functioning right up in the sound booth and buzzing around the back of the sanctuary throughout service. However, I wanted to let you know how incredible it was to have you with us.

I know visiting a church isn't always the easiest thing to do. The fear of judgement, or probing that can ensue by those there is undoubtedly one of the biggest driving forces which may very well have kept you from coming before. I hope and pray your experience was a good one.

Whatever your story is, from whatever place you find yourself in currently know one thing:


Yes, the simple act of making it a priority to put God first made the most incredible smile creep across God's face, of that I am certain. If I'm honest with you, I also must let you know you inspired me. Yes, I go to church nearly every week...and this past Holy Week found me at the church 5 different times for a multitude of different services...but YOU inspired me with your presence. See, while I may go more, I would be lying if I said I always went with the desire to be there. At times it is something I do because it is the "right thing" or the "dutiful thing" to though came because you desired to. For if you didn't you would have like the Sunday prior not been there, BUT YOU WERE!

That desire is inspiring.

I pray that this visit is just the first step in either your new journey towards a relationship with God, or perhaps this is a renewing of one. No matter which it is I pray you continue to find HOPE, REFUGE and INSPIRATION from the very definition of LOVE, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Your Inspired Brother

PS - If you can't make it this next week, know you will be missed and you have my prayers.

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