Tuesday, September 20, 2016

To The Stranger That Prayed

Dear Stranger,


I don't know you, but somehow what you did that day connected us.

It was a fairly typical September day in Indiana, the weather was nice and the sky was clear. Cool for summer, but no chill like a reminder of fall fast approaching. For my family and I though, that day was anything but normal. This was the day we mourned, celebrated and would ultimately escort my grandpa to his body's final resting place.

I'll spare you all the stories of him, just know he loved God and he loved his family...including his wife of 62 years he watched slip away just 7 weeks prior (maybe she had to go get heaven ready for him....).

I have no doubt the small action you did might seem like nothing to you...or something you've slowly begun to do as a habit, but know it is and was so much more than that.

You see as my family followed the hearse September 12, 2016 to the cemetery and you did something that sadly was quite the contrary to EVERYONE else. While other drivers impatiently crept along or even disregarded us entirely and stormed past...you didn't.

You, did something entirely unexpected.

Instead, you'd pulled over to the side of the road.

No doubt put your van in park, and began to pray.

I will never know the words of your prayer but know their words were felt that day. Felt in such a pure form from God.

You see I saw you with your right hand on your heart, left hand held out as if to be placing it upon the passing family and your eyes closed. I saw you lifting prayers up to heaven...and I felt them...I felt them.

I had fought back tears the whole ride...but my dear sister you made me lose it. Not in a bad way, but in a heavenly way only God can provide.

So thank you! While I don't know you, know that you are now forever cemented in my thoughts and prayers...and I only pray that should roles ever be reversed you will catch a glimpse of me in my car...right arm on my heart, left arm out and eyes closed...

God Bless

Ty Miller

1 comment:

Anna said...

This too was a prayer of love, Amen, amen.