Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Letter To Me Then...

If I could write a letter to me then...boy the things I want to tell him.

However, as I would want to warn him of the hurt coming in his relationship and to end it before she wouldn't change the pain he'd feel just change it.

I would want to tell him to let his anger go more and his love show more...but he wouldn't listen to me, he was stubborn like that...and perhaps me telling him to do so would make him cling to it even more.

I would want to inform him that God is in fact real and is working throughout his entire life...but he'd only say well duh he is...and not having dealt with immense hurt, death and suicidal thoughts yet he doesn't understand his very belief structure would be questioned in just a few years.

While there is so much I'd wanna tell him....I know I couldn't without risking the man he would become; one that realizes the man God desires him to be and called him to be. One far far from that, but one trying.

So I think I'd just tell him this:

God is not going anywhere. Weather the storms that will come and watch what grows after them. Every time you feel there is nothing but darkness in your life, know that every night ends with a patient.


P.S. Also, buy stock in Facebook...lots of stock in Facebook.

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