Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This, that and a little bit of everything...

First this: a little thought of mine I would like to share...

God has never had bad timing...we just have hard times dealing with his timing. Lord, may we always trust in your plan.
You know it's crazy how true that statement is and how I guarantee every single one of us can relate to it.
I know I don't have to look farther than my job...after years of working hard towards gaining my bachelor's degree in education God saw it fit that a teaching job just not be in the cards for me...atleast yet. By doing so he's allowed me to experience things I'd never have been able to if I was teaching (I was the type who got there first and typically left last)...
I've headed up a lot of concerts/events for my church, been granted with the ability to clock out and be 100% done with work at the end of my days; something you can be sure I'm very grateful for! *No worries momma and dadda...I'm still going to update my files on record with schools this summer and just wait to see what the Lord has in store with my life.
I could continue to share a ton of stories from my life but let's be honest that'd bore you and probably take too much of my time.
Now time for that: Weight loss challenge update..
I'm doing good ya'll!!! I was sadly sick enough from Friday through Sunday night I couldn't muster up any attempt at working out...but last night WOOOOOOOOOOO! I may have wore out the elliptical...burned over 800 calories with my workout last night. Thank you to Primtime hunting DVD (insert redneck jokes here) and The Walking Dead for keeping me distracted for over an hour on the elliptical! As of this morning Ty is officially gonna lose again for the 7th straight week...I'll practice my right to remain silent till the officiall weigh in tomorrow and I can release the exact number I lost.
jUsT rAnDoM GoOdIeS...
Lately it's extremely odd but I'm on a Adele, Colt Ford (insert redneck jokes here) and JJ Heller kick! Completely one of the oddist assortments and makes for quitet the random shuffle playlist haha!!!
I'm currently considering donating plasma...said it for years but I'm serious this time. Anyone else out there do it ever?
I have been oddly intrigued by this election...perhaps it is the fact I foresee it being one of the most dangerous ones I may witness in my life if it goes One way.
Chris Brown should just go away...I really don't care if it is jail, prison or just an abyss somewhere. His contribution to society is zilch...yes I pulled out ZILCH!
The Vow (with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams) was actually REALLY good...not gonna lie. I'm also going to go out on a limb and state Channing Tatum is finally actually becoming an actor and not just a movie model typecast character.
Brantley Gilbert and Eric Church are saving true COUNTRY MUSIC.
I still miss DC Talk! :-(
God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!
God bless ya'll!

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