Thursday, March 1, 2012

Want a puppy....I know I do?

So I was afraid my wife would get attached and here I am trying to convinve myself and re-convince myself we can't keep it.

This little girly, atleast we think girly, showed up Sunday night and simply won't leave our house.

We found out she's been sleeping in a little corner where our front wood porch meets our brick garage...curled up in a pile of dried leaves behind a garden hose rack. Saddest thing you've ever seen in your life!

It took hours for Lisa to get it to even stop barking and finally let her pet it. In the meantime I'm knocking on dozens of doors trying to figure out where her home is. She did not like it when I came back home and started barking and getting scared again (although the scared feeling never fully left her).

So we go to eat, after giving her some treats and a bowl of water. We couldn't get her to the no-kill humane society in our county due to they were already closed, so we crossed our fingers she'd still be there today when we both get home....

....however last night with the cold wind blowing I had to see how she was doing....this is when it happened, she broke my heart. I look down from a top the deck to see this:

Shivering in her lonely sleep....I had to do something so, old blankets, towels, cardboard, chipboard and a couple trash cans later I had built her atleast something that would block a lot of the wind and provide some warmth (although she still wouldn't move so I could put a blanket under her, even after petting her for 15 minutes before building!). I could instantly tell she was grateful and put her little head on the pillow as I petted her head one last time before heading back inside for the night.

So she was still there this morning...ate some food, but only if I brought it to her as she still isn't comfortable enough to come out to us or get up from her little cubby. Trust is getting there, and hopefully when we try to pick her up to put her in the car tonight she won't freak!

Now I know many of you are screaming, KEEP THE FREAKING THING!!! I want to, but with a long haired cat and a highly jealous Maltepoo in the house it just isn't a good idea....and outside dog is out of the question as my wife views that as completely wrong (only type of dog I had growing up...even built the sucker a mansion of a doghouse...IT HAD INSULATION!).

So this little girl...Hope (shouldn't have named her) going to the shelter tonight unless someone really truly wants her, I just can't let her have to sleep outside in the cold anymore!

Taken right before I left for work today...hopefully she'll have stuck around
 again so we can get her to the Humane Society tonight.

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