Thursday, January 24, 2013

Untwisting the Gun-Debate Part II

I apologize for not getting this up earlier but better late than never.

For this second part of the three part series I'm going to tackle why in the whole Gun-Debate "pro-gun" supporters lose as well.

 The biggest reason I say they lose is the obvious. No matter what side you are on the argument you gotta feel bad for the legal citizens who own any firearms which they may no longer have the lawful ability to own them, if a ban is passed. Yes, a lot depends on whether "grandfathering" is part of the ban or not, but let's just get this one out of the way because it's an obvious loss.

Perhaps the biggest loss to the image painted by pro-gun people during these times is they can sound/look like gun crazed maniacs.

It's amazing the sheer amount of ignorance on both sides of the fence and pro-gunners definitely fall victim to this as well. I get disgusted when I hear pro-gunners act like there is nothing wrong with this nation's gun can a logical person feel this way? It doesn't take a high level of intelligence to know it's actually quite an easy thing to get a hold of a firearm (of any kind) given the right situation/type of firearm/location and that is something that we should at the very least tighten up a lot more than it currently is. (more on this in point 3)

Pro-gunners can seem very cold to tragedy.

I don't know how many times I've heard pro/anti gun debates waged on television, forums, facebook and more with one common theme; pro-gunners just don't care. It's an argument that in many cases has no validity or basis other than the fact pro-gunners seem so preoccupied with defending their rights they can come off very cold to tragic shootings (Sandy Hook as an example). Pro-gunners need to make it very clear they don't want to minimize or act like the tragedies are just products of society. No matter how true that is or they feel it is, you're talking about lives that were lost; in the case of Sandy Hook little young children lost their lives...something which should never be forgotten or blown off as just an "event".

It sets the pro-gunners up for comic strips like the one below...which paints them as loving their guns more than the lives of children, which is just sad, sadistic and wrong in probably 99% of the cases of pro-gunners.

Google Images

Pro-gunners lack rational thinking sometimes.

At times pro-gun nuts go so far into their corner they forget to consider logic. They fight against stricter background checks, fight against closing gun show loopholes and fight against anything at all that has to do with regulating firearms...when in reality it makes more sense to make blanket background checks more intensive, make buying a gun at a gun show not nearly as easy (side note, I love gun shows but even I realize it's way to easy to purchase a firearm at them) and possibly considering making certain things at minimum harder to obtain. There are ways to meet in the middle on things. As an example, the magazine carrying capacity which so many anti-gun people are fighting to lower by banning them. Why not say okay, we agree there is some inherit "possible" danger for these things being in the wrong civilian hands...let's make it tougher to obtain these magazines. Consider putting them in a category like firearms where one must complete background checks of some kind in order to purchase them.... I don't know what the right answer is but you can't tell me there can't be a way to legally regulate them more, but keep them in the hands of law abiding citizens willing to take the necessary steps to still owning them.

Pro-gunners lack self control.

There are way too many examples where because they're backed into a corner pro-gunners simply go on a lethal attack. This shows no self-control and does nothing but hurt the image of gun owners. All you have to do is watch the Piers Morgan show when Alex Jones came on. You can see it here:

This clip is just ridiculous, no matter what side you're on. Not only does Piers spout some "pick and choose" statistics...Alex Jones just absolutely proves he's got no self control. He did nothing but make gun-owners look like hot heads with no control or respect for this discussion. The worst part!? Alex Jones had some absolutely correct statistics supporting "pro-gun" ideas but you might as well rip them up by the way he delivered them and kept shouting at times seemingly without thinking. (banging my head against my wall)

It is these things and others that pro-gunners lose during times of gun debate. While they can prove statistical gun bans don't work and haven't across other countries and cities it's all lost in their presentation of themselves far too often...and they're unwillingness at times to work with the anti-gunners does nothing but feed the anti-gun agendas and proposed bills.

With my third and final post on this three part posting I'll wrap this all up, and share my own personal thoughts on what sensible, logical and need regulations should be enforced upon gun owners...also throw out some what "could happen" scenarios on the whole gun debate issue.

*I'm starting something new...for all the times my wife hounds asks me if I've read her newest blog, I've never ever heard he comment or state she read any of mine. So....Lisa if you can tell me about this little "prize" at the bottom of my posts (will put them on my posts from here till whenever) you will be surprised with something great. However, the longer it takes the smaller the prize...if you know Lisa please don't spoil this and tell her. (second time posted)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Untwisting the Gun-Debate Part I

It seems to be the hot button topic of choice everywhere you look. Political shows, facebook, twitter...shoot even Sunday Night Football seems to want a piece of the discussion "pie" that is gun control.

What is the "right" side of this argument, that is if there is in fact a "right" side of this debate.

The sad truth is that both sides lose when the discussion of gun control occurs. Why you might ask?

Today let's tackle why the anti-gun people lose (trust me tomorrow I'll tackle the other side, third day will wrap it all up):

There are huge examples of this, I'll start with the magazine vs. clip debacle most anti's don't seem to care to be knowledgeable about. Marshal Wirig describes the difference in a very great easy to understand way over at his blog (click HERE to go to link):

"A magazine is what is used to feed the weapon itself, whereas a clip is used to feed the magazine. Clips make loading of magazines much easier and faster, and in some cases, a clip is required in order for the magazine to work (e.g. M1 Garand).
Some magazines are removable (like in the case of all of the magazines pictured above), and depending on the design of the gun, it can have a fixed magazine. Most SKS's, bolt actions, shotguns, and Garands have fixed magazines."

Okay on to the other most glaring "misconceptions" that makes the antis look ridiculous. 

"The guns we want to ban are for military only."

"These types of guns shouldn't be owned by civilians" (then proceed to show a clip like this):

(fast forward to :12)

Okay, first rule to a debate or discussion of opposing viewpoints is to be knowledgeable of the other side or the subject discussed. The above video is not of a semi-automatic machine gun, nor is that gun easily obtainable under any law of any state in the Union. It is obtainable but only after high fees are paid, deep background check cleared and you are granted permission by the United States to own it, why? Because that is a fully automatic gun.  Those are closer to military grade firearms but typically even some full-auto weapons are slightly downgraded for civilian purchase as compared to their military counterparts.

So what is a semi-automatic weapon...well it's any weapon that upon squeezing of the trigger a round is fired, ejected automatically, new round is loaded and ready for the next trigger pull. A semi-automatic weapon unless doctored or after market stocks are attached rely solely upon the individual firing them to achieve any rate of fire. Some people can fire them blazing fast, while others are sloth like in comparison. 

The common civilian that doesn't practice regularly won't achieve great accuracy with either semi or full auto weapons if firing rapidly.
So the statement that you're attempting to ban Military type weapons is just absolutely false and very miss-leading to others who don't know the difference as well. If our military used the type of firearms up for possible banning, so called semi-auto "Assault Weapons", we would be speaking German, Russian, Chinese or even Japanese. They are not even close to the capabilities of a fully-automatic military grade stop acting as they are one in the same.

"We're not attacking hunting guns, these guns have no purpose other than to kill human beings."

So, I hear this a lot. Maybe it's because I'm such an advocate of hunting myself and would do it full time if it provided for my family. It is partly false (I will tackle this on the pro-gun side tomorrow as well). These so called "assault weapons" do and are used for hunting purposes by people nearly year round. A lot of coyote hunters use AR-15s to hunt coyote, deer, stag, wild boar, elk even!

I do not own this picture to view it at it's source click HERE
I do not own this picture, to view it at it's source click HERE
I do not own this picture, to view it at it's source click HERE
I do not own this picture, to view it at it's source click HERE
As you can see these so called "assault" weapons are not solely designed to kill humans, many sportsman and women own them legally, use them legally and hunt with them legally. So, blanket statements about their use cannot and will not hold water.

Oh and one more thing..."assault" weapons are any weapon. Think about it! Any weapon pointed at my head, I will always consider a weapon of try and define what is and isn't is ridiculous. I've shown pictures to some anti-gun people of the following rifle (a very common owned rifle for squirrel hunting) and they nearly always say "that isn't a gun to be worried about or ban". Then I show them the next image in the picture which they always say something along the lines "that weapon has no business being on the streets or in the hands of anyone not in the military". 

Funny thing is they're the exact same gun, just a different stock and accessories. The bullet shot by this gun is one of the smallest calibers in the entire gun world...semi-auto bans would take these out of the hands of numerous people (my brother included, father prior to it being passed down) when they're primary use is hunting squirrels, raccoons, ground hogs or the "deadly" pop can targets in yards. 

Here is the picture of a Ruger 10/22 just in two different set ups:

I do not own this image, to view it at it's source click HERE

"We're not attacking handguns."

While this may escape some people it surely isn't escaping the owners of handguns which hold more than 10 rounds. I do not know the specific stats, but a large majority of gun owners that I know (I frequent the local gun shops a ton) carry 9mm or .45. Now depending on the design of the handgun and desired carrying scenarios a lot of handguns would fall into the 10+ round category. I for one inherited a beautiful Taurus PT92 9mm from my wife's deceased uncle (it's basically a Beretta 92 for those who know). If certain proposals get passed or issued through an executive order the ownership of this family piece could be in jeopardy as it holds (depending on magazine used) over 10+ in any of the magazines I own for it. Is that right? I'll let you decide that, but don't do it with fear do it with a logical sound mind and respect for our freedom.

"If there would have been a gun-ban "insert mass killing" wouldn't have occurred."

I cannot express to you how false this is.

People like Piers Morgan are fine examples of why this misconception. Piers has a great passion for getting rid of firearms (especially what he calls "Assault" weapons) and I do believe he has good intentions but has let his passion cloud his judgement of others and facts presented from the other side.

Piers and many others only quote statistical data on gun killings not violent crime overall. It's a proven fact that yes, while gun related murders go down when gun bans are implemented the overall violent crime rates have always increased.

(Look it up! I'm not gonna quote any stats because I want each of you to look them up yourself, then cross check them and make certain you're not being naive to what you've collected)

So letting passion over-ride the correct interpretation of statistical facts is one way the anti-gun folks lose...another way is how they don't do their due diligence in being knowledge about what they're fighting against.

Besides the fact that in every recent mass killing the theater, the temple (if my research is correct) and the elementary school were all gun free zones, and were not in some of the so called "loose gun law states". Connecticut actually has quite stricter gun laws when compared to IN or TX...yet they still experienced this despicable tragedy.

Unless someone can guarantee that a gun ban would officially remove 100% of the guns in civilian hands (law abiding and criminals and (to be "politically" correct) mentally ill people) a gun ban will only ever hurt one group of people: law abiding citizens who go about gun ownership properly and legally. We've "banned" cocaine, heroin, human trafficking, texting while driving, have all of those bans worked out for us? The drug market is doing just fine, human trafficking is reaching scary levels, I see people texting while driving daily and yeah stealing still occurs.

The last thing that makes anti-gun people lose is the fact they're so against guns but will they proclaim it with bumper stickers or yard signs? Are they willing to advertise "This house is a gun free house" to everyone? Will they put their faith that the police officer 5 miles away can reach them before a thief decides to take more than just a TV or about your daughter? Gun free zones are like sugar to babies for criminals, there is a reason mass killings almost 100% of the time occur in gun free/low security environments...

This video illustrates what I mean, this "fake" organization sought out media people who preach anti-gun ideas to simply advertise they're gun free and well you'll see what happens:

If you are in the anti-gun boat, all I ask is that you become more knowledgeable, respect us that don't abuse our gun ownership and hold true to your beliefs...don't hide you're gun free, proclaim it (let me know how that works out for ya).

Tomorrow I tackle some of the pro-gun problems to this argument as well.

*I'm starting something new...for all the times my wife hounds asks me if I've read her newest blog, I've never ever heard he comment or state she read any of mine. So....Lisa if you can tell me about this little "prize" at the bottom of my posts (will put them on my posts from here till whenever) you will be surprised with something great. However, the longer it takes the smaller the prize...if you know Lisa please don't spoil this and tell her. (second time posted)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

For today let's laugh!

For tomorrow I tackle a touch subject, gun control. For today however, let's watch this following video and have a good a laugh! "An orange peanut! For me!" is my favorite line! Enjoy:

*I'm starting something new...for all the times my wife hounds asks me if I've read her newest blog, I've never ever heard he comment or state she read any of mine. So....Lisa if you can tell me about this little "prize" at the bottom of my posts (will put them on my posts from here till whenever) you will be surprised with something great. However, the longer it takes the smaller the prize...if you know Lisa please don't spoil this and tell her.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

If I Could Write A Letter To Me....

Yes, I stole this idea. Yes, it was from my wife over at her blog XOXO, Wife . I, like my wife, like the song by Brad Paisley. I've done this in my head multiple times, but perhaps this is as good of a time as any to actually write it it goes...

Dear 17 year-old Ty,

You probably have no time for this letter but do yourself a favor and take a moment to read it, I promise you it will be one you never forget.

Ty, you are intelligent and the friendship you have are priceless (something you'll learn not too long from now). Protect your brothers Tiki and J-ho because they will be some of the most important people to you when all seems against you...they're the best two (non-blood) brothers someone can ask for DON'T MESS THAT UP!

Know that your religious beliefs are not a crutch. It doesn't make you weird or an outcase; and you may not realize it now but your faith is just a baby compared to what it will become in the years to me a favor and don't fight it like I did.

Stay true and honest with respect and love to those who show they care for you and for those who don't, attempt to show them even more; they're the ones that need it the most.

Say you're sorry for the approach you used in your Senior articles but never apologize for their'll learn at a later date you did in fact change some lives with them.

Don't worry, that decision your wrestling with...yes I know what it is. You are wondering whether you should give up your love (baseball) because of some things that have occurred and obviously aren't going to change...have no fear Ty follow your heart and I promise you it will all work out. (I know that isn't a yes or no answer but trust me you have to figure it out on your own)

Ty, please make sure you hug everyone at family functions when you say goodbye or they will lose some of the ones you love for reasons you'll never understand or comprehend.

Audition for more musicals, trust me you'll enjoy them.
Bury the hatchet with Mr. Logan sooner rather than later, he's a good guy.
Enjoy Cephus (your car) because trust me you'll miss it when it's gone.
Drop the feud with the choir teacher, it's not worth it.
Hand the mic to Dave after Joseph production! (it'll be torture but it's the right thing to do)
Don't abuse all the freedom Forks gives you at're gonna miss that!
Be more humble, more selfless, more forgiving and above all more loving

Be YOU, you're worth far more than what you can even imagine or will ever believe. Whether you believe it or not there are people watching you, looking up to you and your actions will make waves through lives you can't see yet.

Never let go of what Bryce means to you...even though your brother was taken from this world before you were born trust me when I say he's never left your side and will by yours on some very important days.

Now a about a year from now you and Megan will start having some difficulties. When it seems need to...fight for your love, don't let her go...because she is going to become a huge part of your life and how you grew into the man that is writing you now...

College is gonna be a blast but there is one thing I need you to do; make sure you pay attention in that first semester Art Appreciation class. I know your head is gonna be swirling with all the events that will be happening in your life but there is a girl that will come in late that first week, if you are nice to her, you will gain the greatest friend ever...DON'T MESS THAT UP!  This girl will teach you forgiveness, true friendship and stand by you as Tiki and Jho do; dare I even say more.

Oh and don't wait until your 25 and tired of it to have a heart to heart with your mom. Be honest with yourself and her what the issue is and don't walk away until it's better...I would give anything to have had this happen sooner in my life.

As I go let me offer you just a few more tidbits before I go:

You're going to make mistakes. Some are going to blow your life apart...just know you're not strong enough to make it through them. Only through God and those he's going to give you will you make it when your world is collapsing around you seek Him out...second to that, always learn from your mistakes.


The 26 year-old you

P.S. Tell your parents to invest in Apple...and request 1/2 the profit as a thank you in 10 years.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

How will your legacy read...

What will your legacy be? 

If your legacy is written down and read at your funeral what will it read? 

Love, hope, caring, passionate, consumed, servant, brother, sister, work-a-holic, party-animal, jerk, selfish, money driven, evil...Godly.

You must decide now how you want the ending of your legacy to cannot be delayed or decided upon at a later date...for none of us know when that final word will happen. Decide now what ending you want, so you can dedicate the pages prior to getting there.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So I decided a few weeks back that I would try to blog here on a more regular basis and this is where it will start. On our way home from our New Year's Eve outing (can read on wife's blog HERE) we had a discussion about how 2012 was a rather quiet year in our lives...however as I started thinking about it more a lot happened.

  • I slowly have become a much better husband than I was in 2011. 
  • I have started to understand that unless I'm willing to let everything go to God, I'll never really know how great life can be.
  • We saw a new miracle of a niece come into the world and have loved every minute spent with her!
  • I saw my hunting blog/site get over 10,000 views (that's just the recorded ones), numerous guys seeking my advice on their properties and I became great friends with an amazing hunter and man (Bill Vale).
  • I figured out how to more properly juggle my hunting hobby and my marriage (Lisa deserved more than how I had done in the past hunting seasons).
  • I earned my Level II certification and pay raise for all appropriate classes at my job.
  • I was given more responsibilities at my job.
  • Lisa was brought up as a great example in a corporate level type meeting!
  • Lisa saw her time spent working after schools hours shrink some this year (showing that she is getting better and better at what she is doing).
  • ....there is so much more I could list but just don't have the time.
So as I step into 2013 I'm currently working towards two very large goals.

1- My dream and dedication to get Man Up Ministry going is still present and hopefully at some point in early 2013 will actually began to take place! Although it is still under-development here is the link to the blog/site for it:

2- Is building my website/blog dedicated to hunting and land manipulation. I am actually working on an intensive all encompassing plan for a few "clients" that hopefully will have good results and reviews for me which will become very useful if I ever get to the point where I can charge for my services.