Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Birthday Reflections...

In about an hour from when I'm writing this I will have officially close the 27th chapter (year) of my life here on Earth. No doubt Facebook will be riddled with "Happy Birthdays" and other pleasantries...cards will come in the mail...and many a smile and well wishes will follow me the entire day. However, despite all of that I cannot help but realize yet another year slipped through my fingers...

Not in the way many are probably thinking. No I don't feel like I didn't "YOLO" it enough or have a bunch of "man I wish I'd have done that"...nope.

I let another year slip through my fingers in getting closer to the point I need to be as a man. Many of you know me as a confident, clever, obnoxious, opinionated and passionate man...but that is only the facade covering a man who is broken in sin and fails each day in his attempt to walk with God every second of every day. That is why I look back on the 27th chapter in my life with some regret, some sadness but more importantly anger.

Anger in that I let myself drift at times from God and the man I was created to be by Him.
Anger in that despite the knowledge of wrong from right in my heart I don't always make the proper choice.
Anger in that it shouldn't be a complicated thing; know good, do good and make God (and family) proud.

So as I welcome in Chapter 28 in this short life we live I do so with hesitation, angst but also excitement. Excitement in the fact that while I have a long way to go to becoming the man I need to be, I know the way to get there; simply give everything to Him. Fully submit to the idea I have no power, no ability and no skills which can assist me in achieving it. God is the only way, the only strength, the only ability and the only One that can create us to what we are created to be.

So instead of celebrating my birthday...I will celebrate this as a "re-birth" day just like so many others before it.

Blessings...and may you find your own re-birth this day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So beautifully written.