Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Main Ingredient

The soybeans are beginning to change from their dark green shades to their pale yellowness. The acorns are beginning to fall to the forest floor and the velvet is shedding from the antlers of the bucks I'll be chasing come this fall.

This passion which is more commonly known as deer hunting, is something which consumes my thoughts on a daily basis. Yeah I'm that guy driving down the street and will think passing a small woodlot, "Man that would make a perfect spot for mature buck to spend his daytime hours undisturbed." Yes, I've been known to turn around to get another glimpse of a buck I saw creeping through the woods, despite the fact we're on our way to a family get together (believe it was Thanksgiving last time).

As I wait with anticipation for October 1st, opening day of deer season, I can't help but realize that amongst everything I utilize in my hunting one thing rises above the else which I have to give credit to for blessing me hopefully with a successful harvest(s).

 It's not the new stands I bought. It's not the upgraded bow sights, rest and quiver. It's not the new hunting clothes which allow me to stay on stand for more all day hunts. It's not a single thing I can buy, but I would give up my life savings and then some if it meant not losing it.

This pivotal ingredient to my hunting success is, my wife.

Yeah, you read that right. My biggest weapon and ingredient to being able to harvest the deer I do each year is the wife that God has blessed me with. Honestly, behind every married man's successful hunt lies an understanding wife. A wife that doesn't discourage this passion and obsession despite the fact she'll never understand why the need to use unscented detergent is crucial. Or how for months her husband will be showering in the wee hours of the morning, in scentless shampoo/soap of course, waking her no doubt with his claimed "quiet preparations." Also how one should simply know why the frozen deer urine has to be melted slowly in warm water in the sink. Or how he can go on and on and on after every hunt about how awesome it was that he saw a squirrel, one turkey and a possum which slept for 4 hours by his stand.

I know you hate don't understand any aspect of why I love hunting like I do hun, but know that I appreciate that you love it put up with it despite that. Know that no matter how much you don't want to hear about my hunting tales you truly are the one person I want to share them with the most at the end of each hunt, and I really do appreciate the fact you at minimum act like you're listening. The blessing of your love and willingness to allow me the time to devout to this love is something I do not take lightly, and is yet another reason why I brag about you to my friends and am perfectly happy ecstatic being able to call you my wife!

Love you babe!

fyi---In one of the coming weekends we will be taking a quick weekend trip just to show you how much I love that you love me and embrace allow hunting to be a huge part of my life.

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