Tuesday, September 10, 2013

His will or "Our" will...

It has been something so entrenched in my head lately I simply had to put it down into words. It is the misuse or abuse of the term "His will be done" or "Lord willing..."

Now I understand I am treading in a territory which has potential of stepping on toes or perhaps disagreeing with some which is understandable, but for a moment allow me to explain why I feel we, as believers, misuse the idea of God's will.

First, let me begin by stating God's will is not impacted by our thoughts or our desires, otherwise it would be stated as "our" will; encompassing our human will and God's will into one collective will. That however is not how it works. God's will is just that, God's. Not yours. Not mine. Not a church's. Not a denomination's.

Yet so often we attach something of our own after requesting His will be done: "Lord willing...when we complete this project...or when the money is raised...or when everything on our list is accomplished"

Now I don't feel we do this intentionally or with the thought of basically telling God what His will-will be...I feel it's our human nature, our sinful human nature shining through. It's our inability to accept the fact sometimes God's will may not coincide with ours and quite possibly be the exact opposite of ours!

I use this next example as merely that, an example. My church just accepted the proposal to go forward with our HUGE project of building a new church. Many times throughout the years leading up to the ultimate vote I heard a lot of people say something similar to, "Well, Lord willing, when the vote passes and we proceed with the building of our future church..."

When we say such things it is as if our human "insight" already knows what God wants...something I feel is an extremely dangerous and not to mention prideful thing to flirt with. I 100% believe God's will is for our church to construct a new church...however by stating it as being God's will does not allow His will to be done freely amongst the congregation voting. Yes, I realize God is all powerful and in the end He could squelch any idea or concept humans put forth...however when people hear things presented as being God's will; how can they even consider voting against it? No amount of prayer or devotion will usurp the concept of it being God's will...if they perceive that as true.

I present that grand example because it is fresh in my mind, but we all do it in a our day to day lives. I can remember using the phrase "Lord willing a miracle will be done" as I learned how far along my aunt's cancer was. I stated it in an innocent way, and a way we all do at times of strife or the possibility of losing a loved one. However, mature Christians need to begin to realize and be honest with ourselves in that God's will isn't always the prettiest option or the one our sinful hearts desire. God's will was done in my aunt's death, which sadly did occur, no matter how hard it was to accept that at the time.

God's will was in the break up of high school sweet hearts whom got engaged their first year of college....God's will was in the loss of a brother I will never meet but has forever impacted how I live my life....God's will was in the pain I caused my wife through my addictions....God's will was in the pain and hurt my family experienced in some of our past churches....

God's will can and is in everything that happens. Because of my family's terrible experiences at past churches has led us to be where we are today, a growing church family with Christ at its center above all else.

God's will was in the painful experience of losing who I thought would become my wife one day...for I now can say I'm married to my best friend, my greatest strength outside of God and the love of my earthly life!

God's will was in the loss of my brother, who sadly lived a mere 6 hours on this earth. Through the pain of his death my parents grew closer in their marriage and they were then blessed given another child in the future which neither planned on. (me haha!)

What I'm trying to say is we as Christians far to often assume we individually or collectively know the will of God and make statements or prayers focusing on the one outcome we see as being "his" (when it is truly ours).

That is not how it should be.

Our prayers, our pleas and our discussions with Him, should always ask for His strength, His guidance and His love no matter which way His will pours out onto us.

That's extremely hard though.

By doing so we must accept the fact things may not always be good, things may not always work out, pain will exist and hurt will be felt...but we can be assured of one thing because He promises it to us. He will be there with us. He will be there as we heal, as we grow and as we learn from our mistakes. He'll be there no matter how many times we fall. No matter how many times we try it our way. No matter how stubborn our will is.

Because if there is one thing I can claim I know about God's will, it is that His will desires us to not reject His love, His strength and His guidance. His will is to have a relationship with us...and His hand to be with ours through everything.

That is His will...that my friends is the only will that matters. So when you ask His will be done, embrace that and know that no matter which path that takes you down He will be right there...

If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
Psalm 139: 8-10


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