Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blood problems...again!

Well I've been through this before (posted about it here Leukemia anyone? ) and I'm now back on the issue. While my white blood cell count has been consistently low for 3 years now, and I've need peripheal smears in order to even reach the bottom of the "normal" range every year. This is due to the machine blood testing device (probably worth millions) can't identify my white blood cells right...hence the further testing which is done by a person and under a microscope.

Well 2 weeks ago I had my yearly blood draw and wouldn't you know same thing...white blood cells low and went to get the smear....well today was my follow up appointment. My doctor is awesome and he'd prepared me to know he was gonna sit down with the top hematology doctor in our area (if not the state) and discuss my blood results over the past years to see if further testing should be done as blood and especially white blood cell problems are huge signs of bad things potentially. My doctor spoke to me like a friend, possibly even a brother. He said he wouldn't feel right if this ended up being something and he didn't refer me to a blood specialist.

So I have an appointment to discuss more blood testing and blood problems with a hematology doctor hopefully next week if not Friday of this week (still in the process). Needless to say I'm worried but also know I'm in good hands and will know by the end of all this if I'm okay or not....the biggest thing that worries my doctor is that my baby white blood cell count was still low even after the second test..... I play the waiting game, and test my trust in God. Here's to hopefully passing with flying colors!

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