Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Smoothie of the Day

I've decided to share what smoothie concoction I made for the day. This smoothie typically starts with about a 1/2 a cup to a cup of the remaining sweet fruit rich smoothie I make Lisa in the morning for breakfast, and then I add to that with more fruit or veggies as desired.

This morning Lisa's smoothie had 1 banana, handful of blueberries, big handful  of spinach, almond milk and some ice cubes.

So having some of that leftover, I then started adding the following:

  • half a cucumber sliced/diced up for easy blending
  • 3 full celery stalks (keep the tops on)
  • handful of white grapes
  • another banana
  • just a touch of agava
  • some cinnamon
  • another handful of spinach
  • 2 big romaine leafs
  • 2 medjool dates
  • more almond milk
  • ice cubes
And that my friends produces a very nice high in pretty much all vitamins smoothie that tastes great too! I take a BIG mason jar full for lunch which I usually also eat some more fruit, I took on pear, an avacado, some figs and blood oranges to eat throughout the day when I get hungry. Tonight I'll make a big salad or veggie taco with romaine leaves and probably another smoothie/blend.

Didn't have a picture of today's smoothie/blend but pretty much looked like this:

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