Wednesday, March 27, 2013

= ...yeah I'm gonna attempt this

You've probably already seen the flag or symbol popping up all over facebook as your friends or "aquantances" seemingly systematically are changing their profile photos over to this banner of pride, support and in some cases both for gay marriage equality. It is something so many people are very passionate about and to be honest that is 100% understandable...but is also something that makes me both sad and uncomfortable (but not in the way you may think).

As I progress through this, know first and foremost that I'm attempting to state things that are on my mind and heart and not in an attempt to infuriate anyone...but knowing that I will do so know you have my sincere apologies for that, while disagreements upon this can be substantial I feel open and honest thoughts should at the least be respected.

It is with the thought of honesty that has prompted me to express this so let's delve into it. Gay marriage equality, for some it's being coined as the next great liberation needed in order to progress into the "proper"state our nation needs to be in. Liberated from what though? From the ability to be considered a holy matrimony? To be able to use the word marriage?

Now understand I hold to the belief that homosexuality is a sin, nothing more and nothing less when you boil it all down. God states, discusses and shares examples of how he intended marriage to be between a man and a woman in his Holy book. Now I could set here and state the verses, interpretations that have been said about them and try to justify my viewpoint (though no justification is needed)...but if your reading this I bet you already have your idea of whether or not homosexuality is a sin and whether or not you view the Bible as the true word of God. If you do not see it as a sin and don't view the Bible as the 100% word of God then obviously discussion between us would be difficult at best and we see this everywhere when the gay marriage topic comes up. It's not that those who cling to the Bible are better, because they are not and should willingly admit that...however just as the opinions and feelings of the supporters of gay marriage are valid, so are those who view marriage as something designed to be between a man and a woman as designed by God.

It's amazing how much venom is spit from both share your faith and you're attacked...well attack me then if it makes you feel better. 

I for one am all for human rights. Each man or woman should not have to worry about physical, emotional or spiritual damage or hurt being inflicted upon them by others for any reason. After all we are all in need of grace, therefore there shouldn't be any room for hate in our lives towards anyone. I simply happen to not be on the liberal or as some state "progressive" style of thinking. To me personally it isn't progress to go against what God designed marriage to be, it's actually digressing. However, I am a firm believer in allowing the people to vote and do as they vote to do...I just will never acknowledge what the law says is right, is in fact right (as is the case for other things as well).

Marriage to me is a sacred and holy thing from God. It is taking of hands of one repentant man and one repentant woman choosing to after God put the other above themselves and walk hand in hand throughout this world. Nothing anyone says will change that for me, as that is as God described it to be.

Will gay marriage be passed, yes more than likely. Will it directly affect Will it change my personal viewpoints on Will it sadden me...yes. We as a nation have already gotten used to recycling, ruining and abusing marriage that we now are going to open it up for even further desecration...and that in my opinion could affect me as I don't see God blessing a nation who chooses to further remove themselves from Him.

Ultimately though I will strive to always view homosexual actions for what they are; sin. I do not pass judgement upon them as to where they shall go when this world ends no more than I would do to someone struggling with the sin of pornography, adultery or masturbation. All are sexual and perverse in nature and all are sinful. I am called to never withhold love from anyone, but be honest with everyone. That is merely what I will continue to do. I will attempt to assist, support and love any brother or sister struggling with (insert any sin)...for the Lord knows I myself have, am and will continue to struggle with my own.

I'd like to end in a prayer but before I do let me first say thank you for even taking the time to read this. I have no clue if it at all made sense as this is one of those topics you have so much thought happening but at times you fail to express it in a way that seems to encompass it all.


I come to you with so much on my mind and heart. We as a nation have pushed you aside on so many levels. We deserve to be abandoned but I pray you continue to attempt to guide us, show us our wrongs and get us back on the path you intended for us. Let us see love is the answer and can be accomplished without desecrating any and all which you intended to be perfect. Remove from my heart any callous feelings or spiteful desires for revenge towards those whom attack me for my thoughts and my opinions. Further Lord remove from me my opinion and leave in it's place just your desire, your truth, your way. Be with all in these troubling times Lord, don't give up on us now...but if now should be the end I pray you forgive me for all which I've done.


Thanks and God Bless,


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Smoothie of the Day

I've decided to share what smoothie concoction I made for the day. This smoothie typically starts with about a 1/2 a cup to a cup of the remaining sweet fruit rich smoothie I make Lisa in the morning for breakfast, and then I add to that with more fruit or veggies as desired.

This morning Lisa's smoothie had 1 banana, handful of blueberries, big handful  of spinach, almond milk and some ice cubes.

So having some of that leftover, I then started adding the following:

  • half a cucumber sliced/diced up for easy blending
  • 3 full celery stalks (keep the tops on)
  • handful of white grapes
  • another banana
  • just a touch of agava
  • some cinnamon
  • another handful of spinach
  • 2 big romaine leafs
  • 2 medjool dates
  • more almond milk
  • ice cubes
And that my friends produces a very nice high in pretty much all vitamins smoothie that tastes great too! I take a BIG mason jar full for lunch which I usually also eat some more fruit, I took on pear, an avacado, some figs and blood oranges to eat throughout the day when I get hungry. Tonight I'll make a big salad or veggie taco with romaine leaves and probably another smoothie/blend.

Didn't have a picture of today's smoothie/blend but pretty much looked like this:

Monday, March 18, 2013

Wait...I am doing what?!?!

Well I can officially say I've gone slightly mad. Most of you that know me know how when I get something in my head I delve as deeply into as possible with no plans to turn back. So, enter Raw. Raw isn't a fad or a diet, like becoming a vegan it's a lifestyle change and while I never fully intend to become 100% Raw (I love my steaks too much!) I do hope to someday reach about 90% raw lifestyle.

What is Raw? Raw for one has made me more energized than ever before, no longer crave coffee (although gave it up during this progressive lenten journey I'm doing), slimmed me down tremendously and gave me the ability to pretty much eat when I want, as much as I want as long as it's a fruit or vegetable (nuts occasionally).

Truly though Raw is a lifestyle where one does not cook anything over 115-ish degrees. Therefore guaranteeing you aren't destroying any good enzymes, pro-biotics or nutrients found in foods which cooking eliminates. It's a lifestyle where unless one over-indulges on seeds and nuts everyone slims down and does so quite fast...even with eating at times 30 bananas a day (yes, true story and crazy! Look it up!). The true 100%-ers don't touch eggs, meat or dairy of any kind as all those things are not "living" and all those things are proven to be harder on our digestive systems. I never intend on being a 100%-er but I'll admit I got a lot of respect for them as I still intend to eat meat but just at a TREMENDOUSLY lower rate....after all hunting is a spiritual journey for me one which should and does end with the animal nourishing myself and my family. This new lifestyle though will obviously cause me to probably give more of my venison away then before but you can guarantee it'll still be on my menu from time to time.

Here's pretty much some of the lifestyle changes I've made for my day to day eating/drinking habits:

-Smoothies/Blends have become a HUGE part of my life. It's the fastest and easiest way to get nutrients from a lot of stuff into a simple great tasting beverage! As an example one smoothie includes the following:

  • 5 celery stalks
  • half a cucumber
  • 1 or 2 bananas
  • 2 dates (pitted)
  • a mango (with or without skin and pitted)
  • BIG hand full of spinach
  • 3-5 WHOLE kale leaves/stems
  • few dandelion greens
  • alfalfa sprouts
  • handful of grapes
  • maybe some blueberries or blackberries if on hand
  • 5-8 pieces of ice
**Try eating all that without making it into a smoothie'd take too long to do so! And that's just one meal's worth!

-No more dairy. In place of milk I do almond or coconut milk. Same texture and as my pallet adjusted tastes just as good if not better.

-Strive to make 100% of my daily intake be fruits and veggies on days I'm not working out. I'll be honest there have been days where my intake through shakes or salads or just eating by hand has included: 7 bananas, whole bag of baby carrots, whole bag of snap peas, a bell pepper, pound or two of leafy greens (kale, spinach, dandelion), 6 dates, 6 figs, little agava, an asian pear, a mango, some grapes, blackberries, 5 stalks of celery and a whole cucumber. Trust me, I'm eating plenty! :) 

-If hungry, I eat. Seriously, I don't worry about over eating or ruining my appetite anymore. If I am hungry I at minimum will grab a banana, whole bag of snap peas, carrots anything and everything is fair game as long as it's a veggie or a fruit.

-When I do need more protein than the normal amount found in fruit and veggies (plenty for day to day person) I use seeds and nuts or raw protein powder to get it. Pumpkin seeds are my new sensation for this!

-Tacos are no longer done with a tortilla or meat sometimes. Collard greens, kale leaves or romaine lettuce have replaced the tortilla. Which basically means I can gorge myself on more, because the average tortilla shell has over 100-200 calories depending. More food=happier Ty!

-If hungry...I EAT!

-I also at times attempt to do some mono-meals. Mono-meals are the absolute easiest thing on your digestive system. An example of a mono meal I've done is 4-6 bananas blending into a smoothie with just a little pumpkin spice or a couple dates mixed in. Extremely sweet, but entirely (almost) made up of just bananas and ice...digestive system loves me for it!

-I try to limit meat intake to once a week if possible, twice at the most and always followed by a good workout. Red meat is the last meat of choice if meat is used at all. My blood type is supposed to minimize red meat consumption anyways; combine that with the fact red meat is one of the hardest things (and time consuming) for the body to digest makes this one less of a sacrifice than I thought.

Well, that's pretty much it I think...and that's how I've continue to lose weight consistently each week, but more importantly I'm losing inches faster than even the weight lose. I've average another belt loop hole every two weeks it seems for the last 7 weeks...amazing!

While I'm not quite 100% raw, I am sure happy with striving for around 90% and seeing the results I am!!!