Saturday, July 30, 2011

Little bit of Ludington

So, Ludington is like Lisa's dream harbor town. Well to be honest any town with a beach as part of it's borders is Lisa's kind of town. Last night we arrived to our room, checked in and then headed out for some grub.

Remember how I told you Lisa's nickname is Mrs. Picky Eater of the Year Decade Century...well I wanted to take her to a nice place to celebrate her new job so we went to this nice place called the Blu Moon. Well we had a little time to wait for a table to open up and upon examining some menus Lisa just couldn't find anything to her liking. Not a big surprise, but the real surprise came when she pointed to The Sportsmans Bar & Restaurant as the place to try next...

Now this place is not a nice place, great beer yes, bar atmosphere yes, restaurant no...It honestly was 99% bar and maybe 1% restaurant. My kind of place! 

Well the beer was good, food was great and we both left happy, so I guess that's really better than spending $25 a plate with snooty people serving us!

The night ended great as we watched the sunset. Picture of Lisa on the shoreline:

Today we did quite a bit. We ate an amazing breakfast at this place:

Then went and explored an old settler's settlement/museum/town. It was a neat experience to say the least!!! After that we went to visit a couple monuments and made our way back to the Inn, which is where I'm writing this at the moment. Soon we'll be back on the beach to watch another gorgeous sunset and possible stroll up to The House of Flavors for some ice cream. 

Till then keep keepin on folks!! 

Friday, July 29, 2011


I had to share with my followers (um...well I know only 1 public follower so far, but hey gotta start somewhere and I know more people read it just not follow)


No longer will she be just an aid at the school, as of today she is now a 4th grade teacher there!!!!

Our vacation this weekend is now a celebration for this awesome event too!!!

Toes in the water, "butt" in the sand...

That, my friends, is exactly what I plan on doing this weekend!
The wife and I will be spending the weekend in Ludington, MI (will hopefully report many wonderful reasons for you to make the trip as well)! It’s a much needed vacation as work as become rather annoying for me, Lisa is going nuts cooped up in the house without work till school starts back up (POSSIBLY A CERTIFIED TEACHER THIS YEAR! WILL KNOW TODAY!!!!) and let’s face it married couples just need these quick trips every now and then!
It’s kinda neat to have a destination but not really much else planned out. Sure I printed off some reviews of eating hotspots for Mrs. Picky-Eater of the Year Decade Century (my wife) but other than that we’re just winging it.
Both of us will probably be bringing blogs, pics, vids and maybe some funny stories as the weekend unfolds!
It will just be nice to be chillaxin all weekend instead of yard work, landscaping and house Ty-to-do Lists; and to top it off I’ll be with the most amazing girl in the world the entire time!!! The only downside is I’m sure I’ll drink too much (local brewery), eat too much and totally blow my GET BACK IN SHAPE workout routine….but we’ll just push pause on that for now! J!
Keep on keepin’ on and remember that silver lining is out there, just gotta slow down sometimes to see it!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sloth Injection

So ever wake up, if you can call it that, and go through your whole morning routine before you realize you’re not in bed?!
There you are standing in the bathroom putting on that touch of cologne (or perfume for you ladies) for the day when you suddenly realize you don’t remember getting in the shower, you have no idea when you picked out your clothes or if Iyou ate breakfast, did you even put deodorant on? Your face feels as if it is hanging 2 inches lower than it should, but that’s not important at the moment; you gotta make sure you’re even wearing socks or underwear.
That was my morning exactly! I still don’t remember anything about it and can’t believe the amazing fact that I managed to pack a change of clothes for the fair tonight that somehow don’t miss match too bad (even if the shorts have a grass stain…Lisa can you bring me another pair?)!
You remember that little booger (my nephew) who made that surprise visit at work? Well him and his parents (my bro and sis-in-law) were still around so we played the game Things till like 12:30am so needless to say after the 40 minute ride home and the 1.23 seconds it took me to get in bed upon arrival it was about 1:10.123am before I got to sleep.
The fact I feel this way today is yet another sign of how old I’m getting…or feeling…perhaps both, still too tired to fully process things. Feels like I drank too much the night before but the sad truth is I didn't have a drop of alcohol last night! Pretty pathetic huh?
Well I’m gonna go grab my 3rd or 4th cup of coffee, turn my desk fan on, and attempt to stay awake the rest of the day (only half of it is left). Keep on Keepin’ on…even if you feel like a syringe of slothness got injected into your system!
Pray I don't become this guy today at work:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Good Morning Cold Blast of Water to the FACE!!!

So…first blog post (not introduction), gotta make it big. Needs to be that type of blog post that all of you followers can’t help but read.
Sadly though this is not going to blow your socks off or grab your attention like the fender bender on the side of the road we can’t help but slow down to look at. You know the ones where the guy is kicking the front of his car screaming obscenities about how it wasn’t his fault when clearly he rear-ended the person in front of him ala:

Anyways…so I had one of those slow down moments today on the way into work. If I’m 100% honest the morning didn’t start out that great. I got the motorcycle out of the garage to the hum of a bobcat running concrete back and forth to our backyard (getting a nice concrete patio put in). The thing is going to be great…but that bobcat has left a path of destruction through the yard from the driveway and back around to the backyard! Not cool, but whatever we knew it would happen.
Hop on the bike get about 100 yards down the street and I’m greeted with the cold blast of a sprinkler system that decided to come on just as I drove by! I mutter to myself, “Man this day is going to be great…”
However, as I’ve said it is when we slow down and take in the world around us that we have the chance to see the silver linings all around us. I drove on a little further until up ahead I noticed a pickup with its flashers on and the hood up. I left a little earlier than normal so having a few spare moments I pull in behind the truck and walk up to a frustrated man under the hood.
Upon asking if he needed help he replied with, “Nope I’m good, actually a mechanic for a living and know exactly what’s wrong. Thanks though, nice to know people still out there willing to help, you’re actually number 4 to stop already.”
How awesome is that, 4!
This nation is so messed up economically, we argue more than anything, crime rate is increasing, you can’t ride in the back of a pick-up but the government can spend money they don’t have, we keep rewarding those who hardly work with the money from those who work hard…but for that moment this morning the world seemed a little better; made me feel just slightly better about the human race as I finished my ride into work.
I could have just driven on by (like we all do too often) and missed that chance, but look what I would have missed…chalk up another one for slowing down…


Keep on keepin' on folks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

First things first: Allow me to introduce myself...

             I couldn’t decide what to write to introduce myself but here we go, don’t hate me if it’s lame hate the internet writing prompt site I found it at L!

Given Name: Tylan Mathew Miller
Name I go by: Ty
Nickname: Tyni (perhaps I’ll explain someday…it’s not what you’re probably thinking)
4 Words that describe me: Obnoxious, Hopeful, Reflective, and Competitive
Claim to fame: Nothing, well….I once stuck a fork in an electrical outlet J
Reasons for writing this blog: No clue, just felt right…we’ll let you be the ones to decide whether it was a good idea or not.
Where you find joy in life: Everything. Truly I do; now it’s not always right away or as quickly as I’d like but I’ve come to realize beauty and happiness comes out of everything if you embrace it and let it occur.
Where you struggle in life: Wow…I’ll let my other blog, Confessions of a Crippled Man, cover this one as it’s my Christian heart on a sleeve. (such a depressing question)
Okay, a lot more things were listed but I’m sick of answering them. Instead I’m going to show you via pictures who I am:

The love of my life, LISA (you should check her blog out, Confessions of a New Wife)! I’ll never understand how we came to be, but God truly knew what he was doing back in August of 2006! Married May 15th 2010 and looking forward to the rest of our lives together! Her name is Lisa, but in my phone you’ll find her under Angel W/out Wings !

While we are planning on kids at some point these two fill the role right now. From top to bottom is Bubba and Abby. I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about both of these from time to time.
Everyone hates them, everyone pays them (well mostly everyone). I just happen to work at a job associated with them. Coming out of college with a degree in Elementary Education during a time where jobs are about as likely as finding a whale in Lake Michigan I had to look elsewhere. That’s when I went from part-time to full-time at a local County Assessor’s Office. Oddly enough I enjoy my job as I can clock out the second my day is done, and also get to help people at least understand a portion of the frustrating thing that taxes are.
While I’m not paid or hold an exact title in the church, I’m what I like to call a full-time volunteer. This is me doing my leading at a youth night where I’ve been a leader now for touch over 5 years. Very spiritual lesson was being taught! haha!
I’m a huge fan of music. And currently head the Event & Concert team at our church. These are two shots from the last two concerts we hosted. While putting on shows are a stressful mess I absolutely love it! There is nothing quite as therapeutic for the soul as music!
That was the day I drove the new baby to our rental in South Bend (have moved since!). Sadly after a year she still doesn’t have a nickname which has stuck, thoughts? I’ve already had a Shanaynay and a Ruby.
Hunting is a passion of mine, not just because I love to hunt but the time spent in nature is the most peaceful moments in my life. Some of my co-workers call me the Pee-Man as I’m even a pro staff member for S&P Scents, a deer hunting scent line…cue all the girls let out a collective eeeeew! J
Before hunting came into the picture I was found on a lake whenever ice wasn’t present it seemed. Not quite as bad of a passion as hunting but definitely second if I was to make a list.

Poetry is an outlet I know most gun touting hunters don’t do, but it’s something I love to do. I’m constantly thinking topics for a poem and consider my style one of inspirationally honest. I try to have a message of inspiration in most of my creations. Currently I'm even working on a book as well.
Softball…used to be a flat out time consuming thing. I’ve since backed off and travel less. Much happier wife which equals much happier life! Still play some though and yes people it can be highly competitive or a complete joke…I stay on the joke side of things more now as its more fun on that side!
There’s a little bit of me…stay tuned for some serious bloggage!