What good is curing cancer in a man's body...if we can't cure his soul before death?
If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and do two things for me...
#1 - Look up the Jimmy V Foundation, learn about it and listen to how it all started and the impact in cancer research it has achieved to date. The awesome impact it has made is undoubtedly a sign of what is possible when humans seek to conquer something in unison. If possible please support it in any way you can. www.jimmyv.org
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Screenshot, all ownership to ESPN (HERE) |
Inspiration comes from everywhere, and let me make one thing clear; I personally feel there is never anything wrong with being motivated to better yourself or help others...no matter the source of that motivation, Mr. Scott certainly does just that.
There is an aspect of Mr. Scott's speech though that whether by choice or simply was not visible (a true possibility) that I truly did miss greatly. While Mr. Scott was spot on about never giving up and his love for his family and how much they mean to him I couldn't help but notice a common theme...placing faith in himself, nurses/doctors and others. If you listened to his speech, it circled around ones self to not give up. It circled around the concept of relying on humans and humans alone.
Might I remind all reading this that mankind has proven to be perfect at one thing and one thing alone...we are perfect at being imperfect (sinful).
Now I don't know where Mr. Scott's walk with Christ is. I don't know if he has ever been introduced to him, felt him in his heart or seeks Him every day of his life. All I have to go on is that speech, which is the hot video circling social media.
So I will not touch on any kind of opinion on Stuart's walk with Christ...I merely want anyone watching this video or saw the video to know there is something which surpasses all your personal ability, all your doctor's ability, all your family's ability...there is someone who has already beaten what cancer attempts to do. There is someone who brings peace which surpasses all human understanding. There is someone whom will never fail you, never leave you, never forsake you and never stop loving you. There is someone whom will hold you as you take on cancer...
...and you know what? You walk with Him, you let Him hold you...cancer is seen for what it truly is:
You see cancer only speeds up exactly what you should be fighting: DEATH. Humans will send thousands of dollar to fight cancer, aids or other things.....yet ignore fighting DEATH. Humans will get motivated by videos of people speaking on perseverance, overcoming obstacles or beating the odds...yet ignore fighting DEATH.
What good is being consumed with beating something that is temporary but yet ignore fighting something so certain in DEATH?
Cancer is merely a distraction created and came to be when sin entered the world...and boy does the devil love using it as a facade or covering in front of what we truly should be fighting; DEATH.
Now I've personally lost family members to cancer. I've personally lost loved ones to cancer. I 100% back every single organization on this Earth that is fighting in any form to conquer cancer medically....please don't let your mind twist what I'm getting at. However, I will not allow DEATH to be forgotten. I cannot allow those I love and those I am commanded to love (all) to ignore DEATH.
For what good is curing cancer in a man's body...if we can't cure his soul before death?
We are offering nothing to cancer patients if we can cure cancer...sure we've given them the chance at a few more years but in the scheme that is eternity we have done nothing. DEATH will still come. DEATH will still reign forever and DEATH will steal from us everything we have placed our hope in here on Earth.
So please be motivated and inspired by Mr. Stuart Scott and others like him. He is a testimony to what a difference can be made should we simply not give up. However, do not allow yourself for a minute forget that while you or someone else may battle cancer here on Earth...the true battle is with DEATH and what it brings after it....
...and only one thing can beat it. That is the one thing that has proven to be perfect at one thing: being perfect.
God bless.
P.S. If by some fashion this falls on the eyes of Stuart Scott, know that I hope and pray we get to enjoy your presence in the sports world and outside, because you truly are an amazing man for what you have overcome and what you bring to your job. My prayers go out to you.
P.S. If by some fashion this falls on the eyes of Stuart Scott, know that I hope and pray we get to enjoy your presence in the sports world and outside, because you truly are an amazing man for what you have overcome and what you bring to your job. My prayers go out to you.