Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's Official

I'm applying for Survivor. It's been a dream ever since I watch the very first episode all the way back in 2000 when the ever naked Richard Hatch won it. It's something I've always said I'd do, but have never actually taken the plunge and done the paperwork and the video part of the submission. Partly due to excuses like "I don't have time to just take a month away" or "Lisa would kill me if I was gone that long!" but mostly this is why, "THEY'LL NEVER CHOOSE ME".

It's true, there is no real reason why they should choose me over countless others...but as I always say, the worst thing that could happen is nothing.

So with that in mind, I'm doing it. I'm filing for a passport (something you must have at minimum started). I'm making my 3 minute video. Last but not least I'm doing the paperwork and sending it in. No more will I sit and think about how great it'd be on I'll at least know I have a "chance" albeit it very miniscule.

So...let the process begin!

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