For this second part of the three part series I'm going to tackle why in the whole Gun-Debate "pro-gun" supporters lose as well.
The biggest reason I say they lose is the obvious. No matter what side you are on the argument you gotta feel bad for the legal citizens who own any firearms which they may no longer have the lawful ability to own them, if a ban is passed. Yes, a lot depends on whether "grandfathering" is part of the ban or not, but let's just get this one out of the way because it's an obvious loss.
Perhaps the biggest loss to the image painted by pro-gun people during these times is they can sound/look like gun crazed maniacs.
It's amazing the sheer amount of ignorance on both sides of the fence and pro-gunners definitely fall victim to this as well. I get disgusted when I hear pro-gunners act like there is nothing wrong with this nation's gun can a logical person feel this way? It doesn't take a high level of intelligence to know it's actually quite an easy thing to get a hold of a firearm (of any kind) given the right situation/type of firearm/location and that is something that we should at the very least tighten up a lot more than it currently is. (more on this in point 3)
Pro-gunners can seem very cold to tragedy.
I don't know how many times I've heard pro/anti gun debates waged on television, forums, facebook and more with one common theme; pro-gunners just don't care. It's an argument that in many cases has no validity or basis other than the fact pro-gunners seem so preoccupied with defending their rights they can come off very cold to tragic shootings (Sandy Hook as an example). Pro-gunners need to make it very clear they don't want to minimize or act like the tragedies are just products of society. No matter how true that is or they feel it is, you're talking about lives that were lost; in the case of Sandy Hook little young children lost their lives...something which should never be forgotten or blown off as just an "event".
It sets the pro-gunners up for comic strips like the one below...which paints them as loving their guns more than the lives of children, which is just sad, sadistic and wrong in probably 99% of the cases of pro-gunners.
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Pro-gunners lack rational thinking sometimes.
At times pro-gun nuts go so far into their corner they forget to consider logic. They fight against stricter background checks, fight against closing gun show loopholes and fight against anything at all that has to do with regulating firearms...when in reality it makes more sense to make blanket background checks more intensive, make buying a gun at a gun show not nearly as easy (side note, I love gun shows but even I realize it's way to easy to purchase a firearm at them) and possibly considering making certain things at minimum harder to obtain. There are ways to meet in the middle on things. As an example, the magazine carrying capacity which so many anti-gun people are fighting to lower by banning them. Why not say okay, we agree there is some inherit "possible" danger for these things being in the wrong civilian hands...let's make it tougher to obtain these magazines. Consider putting them in a category like firearms where one must complete background checks of some kind in order to purchase them.... I don't know what the right answer is but you can't tell me there can't be a way to legally regulate them more, but keep them in the hands of law abiding citizens willing to take the necessary steps to still owning them.
Pro-gunners lack self control.
There are way too many examples where because they're backed into a corner pro-gunners simply go on a lethal attack. This shows no self-control and does nothing but hurt the image of gun owners. All you have to do is watch the Piers Morgan show when Alex Jones came on. You can see it here:
This clip is just ridiculous, no matter what side you're on. Not only does Piers spout some "pick and choose" statistics...Alex Jones just absolutely proves he's got no self control. He did nothing but make gun-owners look like hot heads with no control or respect for this discussion. The worst part!? Alex Jones had some absolutely correct statistics supporting "pro-gun" ideas but you might as well rip them up by the way he delivered them and kept shouting at times seemingly without thinking. (banging my head against my wall)
It is these things and others that pro-gunners lose during times of gun debate. While they can prove statistical gun bans don't work and haven't across other countries and cities it's all lost in their presentation of themselves far too often...and they're unwillingness at times to work with the anti-gunners does nothing but feed the anti-gun agendas and proposed bills.
With my third and final post on this three part posting I'll wrap this all up, and share my own personal thoughts on what sensible, logical and need regulations should be enforced upon gun owners...also throw out some what "could happen" scenarios on the whole gun debate issue.
*I'm starting something new...for all the times my wife hounds asks me if I've read her newest blog, I've never ever heard he comment or state she read any of mine. So....Lisa if you can tell me about this little "prize" at the bottom of my posts (will put them on my posts from here till whenever) you will be surprised with something great. However, the longer it takes the smaller the prize...if you know Lisa please don't spoil this and tell her. (second time posted)
1 comment:
Good points on both post Tyni. And I'm looking forward to your wrap-up. Personally I am tired of the pro-gun side always insisting on proper terminology and the clip/magazine contention totally PO's me. Heck maybe I'm an old geezer but I remember when the likes of Winchester and Remington advertised their "clip fed" rifles such as the then popular Winchester Model 88 and Remington's 760 pump (sporting style rifles/sporting terminology). While magazine is the correct term it only came into vogue as the AR's (military style/military terminology) became popular.
Being that I consider our 2nd A rights every bit as important as any other in the Bill of Rights I cannot hide from the fact that we have a serious problem in this country that need addressing. The digging in of heels and spouting rhetoric on both sides does nothing to further to address the problem.
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