Monday, January 30, 2012

So you've lost weight...big deal!

So I'm two and a half weeks into a weight loss challenge at my place of employment...I hate those things. I think they're stupid, waste of time and only a temporary fix. That said this one's for money so obviously I'm in it to win it!!! After two weeks I've lost 19lbs and a little over 7% of my original weight, which is a good 2% more than the second place person.

Feeling good about myself I constantly strive to not eat junk food, have steamed veggies and no carbs after breakfast and continue to force myself to working out downstairs in the man cave/workout room.

So this entire time I've been striving to lose weight my wife has been sick for most of it. She has ran fevers in the high 102 range and even touched 103. She's barely ate anything but jello and ice cream (occasional Mac & Cheese on the good days) and has lost over 12lbs trying and doing nothing....maybe I'm going about this all wrong. Is it smart bad of me to want to attempt at contracting this unknown illness from her just to lose some more weight?!

I guess my decision will come this Wednesday, the dreaded weigh-in day....of which it's looking like if I stay the same as last week I'll be happy.

Perhaps if this whole healthy eating thing and exercise doesn't keep me ahead of the pack I'll just simply contract an illness or look into that aneroxic thing (seriously kidding...I think) haha!

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