So from now on, or until I decide to change my mind (more than likely), Tuesdays will be my tyrant day. Basically I’ll share with you a pet-peeve of mine that either recently happened or I’ve always held. They'll be honest, funny, stupid and sometimes just plain hilarious.
First up is my biggest pet-peeve… Stupid Drivers.
Stupid Drivers are to blame for easily 80% of the world problems…think about it. They put us in severely bad moods entering our daily grind or upon coming home from work. The frustration they create cause us to slip into less than desirable moods, makes us flip the “I’m pissed” switch faster than anything else in our day to day life and whether we like it or not ARE ALWAYS GOING TO EXIST; Because as long as we have cars, there are going to be idiots to fill them!!
Now this pet peeve of mine can be broken up into 3 basic categories.
#1 Parking abilities
#2 Driving Abilities
#3 Comprehension of basic road rules
#3 is what I’m going to focus on for this blog because I recently experienced someone who obviously viewed themselves well above the established rules of the road which are both common sense and enforceable laws as well. On our recent trip to Ludington we encountered quite a bit of road construction and accident back-ups on our way home…the perfect scenario for, let’s name him Dee P. Scheet, to come out of the woodwork.
We’re on our way home when some road construction signs start popping up, shortly followed by these guys:

So what do I do, and COUNTLESS OTHER PEOPLE? We amazing get over in the right lane, brain surgery genius I know right?!?! Well sure enough you have your idiot drivers led by Mr. D. P. Scheet zooming up the left side trying to gain a few spots…
He apparently was going to wait till the last second for a spot to open up but everyone else that had tried to let him in before were now blocking him off…so what does he do? Put his right turn signal on, come to a stop and wait for someone to be nice to him although he doesn’t deserve it?
This idiot floors it when he notices a RV not accelerating quite as fast as the car infront of it and then swerves over in front of it, immediately causing all of us behind the RV to have to break as the RV does…
I say some things about the guy but then forget about it as we truck on down the road further…only to soon see as I come over a big hill our buddies:
But also this guy this time about a mile up the road:
So again we all decide to start getting over in the right lane as quick as possible…but you guessed it! Mr. D. P. Scheet (whom I’d passed between construction sites) is now moving slowly up the left side in my rear view mirror. He slowly putts on by cars getting probably about ¼ a mile ahead of me and is slowly getting very close to the flashing arrow and where the construction cones start cutting the left lane over into the right one. At this point I slow way down and motion for him to come over (although I'm quite furious at him by now for idiocy)…..
The motorcycle ahead of me even tries to let him in, nothing! So we both speed up to close the gap and are refusing him in now as were about 200 yards from the sign. At about 20 yards I’m fairly certain he’s gotta stop right?
NOPE! This idiot is now at the sign but not stopping…he’s just forcing his way over into my lane…it was either be hit or run off the road!
I realize the silver lining may be hard to see in this rant…but…just wait I’ll think of one J. Um…oh got it. My good wife and I completely fought about how upset I got, and I did in fact learn that the degree to which I got mad at this individual was quite unnecessary. I hope I do better next time
I really do babe.
I hope I manage to block the guy from getting in front of us and letting him win… then I won't be upset I'll be happy! HAHA J!!!
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